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12 Coding And Robotics Classes That Will Prep You For The Future

The rise of the robots is upon us. With the rapid advancement of technology, it’s no wonder that more and more jobs are being replaced by machines. Even jobs that were once thought to be safe from automation are now at risk of being taken over by robots.

So what does this mean for the future of work?

Coding and robotics are becoming increasingly important skills to have in the job market. If you’re looking to future-proof your career, then you need to start learning these skills as soon as possible.

Thankfully, there are plenty of coding and robotics classes available, both online and offline. In this article, we will list 10 of the best coding and robotics classes that will prepare you for the future.

Robots are increasingly becoming a part of our everyday lives. They are used in manufacturing, hospitals, and even vacuum cleaners. With the ever-growing popularity of robots, it’s no wonder that coding and robotics classes are becoming more popular.

Coding and robotics classes teach you the skills you need to build, program, and operate robots. These skills are in high demand and will only become more valuable as time goes on.

If you’re looking for coding and robotics classes near you, then look no further! Here are 10 coding and robotics classes that will prep you for the future.

Coding Robotics Classes, Becoming Increasingly Important, Children Tech Center, Courses Coding Robotics, Robotics Classes Prep, Classes Prep Future, Coding Robotics Becoming, Robotics Becoming Increasingly, Increasingly Important Skills, Important Skills Job

What is coding?

Coding is the process of writing computer program instructions. These instructions tell the computer how to perform a task. Coding can be done using a variety of different programming languages, such as Java, C++, Python, and more. It’s a skill that is becoming increasingly important in the world of technology, as computers become more and more advanced. Learning to code can be a daunting process, but thankfully there are plenty of classes available to help get you started. Many of these classes are online, meaning you can learn from the comfort of your own home. These classes can help you understand the basics of coding and teach you how to write basic programs.

What is robotics?

Robotics is the study of robots and their behavior. It involves designing, constructing, and operating robots with the aim of automating tasks. Robotics is a rapidly growing field, with many robotics engineers now needed to build robots for industrial and consumer use. Robotics classes can help you learn the basics of robotics, from designing robots to programming them. These classes are usually more complex than coding classes, as they require a good understanding of mechanics and electronics as well. However, with the right classes, you can learn all the necessary skills to build and program a robot.

The benefits of taking coding and robotics classes

When it comes to learning coding and robotics, there are many benefits to taking classes. Firstly, coding and robotics classes can help you get started, teaching you the basics and giving you an introduction to the concepts. This can be particularly useful if you’re new to the field and don’t know where to start. In addition, classes can also help you develop your skills and deepen your knowledge. With the help of experienced instructors and plenty of hands-on activities, you can learn coding and robotics in a much more efficient and effective way. These classes also provide a great opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals with similar interests, which can be invaluable when it comes to solving difficult problems and developing creative solutions.

The top 12 coding and robotics classes

  1. Children Tech Center : Children Tech Center is India Leading Kids Robotic Training Center . Children Tech Center offers Robotics & Automation Class, Using LEGO WeDo and innovative Mindstorms EV3 Technology from Harvard MIT. Visit Children Tech Center's website

  2. Edison Club : Scientific hobby programs for school kids Each scientist, engineer and inventor starts their journey with a hobby. For example Marconi, Edison, Enrico Fermi, Tom Edison, James Frank and Clifford Berry built their first radio as a hobby. After initially being rejected by the most of the world including their school teachers etc, their hobby takes them to realms about which most of us can only dream of. Purushottam Pachpande started Scientific hobby programs for school kids all over maharashtra. Visit Edison Club's website

  3. MIT OpenCourseWare MIT OpenCourseWare offers a wide range of programs related to coding and robotics. These courses cover a variety of topics, ranging from introductory courses for beginners to more advanced courses for experienced coders and robotics engineers.

  4. 4Geeks Academy 4Geeks Academy is an online coding and robotics school that offers both self-paced and instructor-led courses. Their courses focus on both coding and building robots, making them a great choice for those who want to learn both subjects.

  5. Google’s Applied Digital Skills Program Google’s Applied Digital Skills Program is an online program focused on providing users with the skills they need to succeed in the digital age. The program includes courses on coding and robotics, as well as other related topics such as game development and data analysis.

  6. Coursera Coursera is an online learning platform offering courses on a variety of topics, including coding and robotics. Their courses are taught by experienced instructors and provide a comprehensive introduction to coding and robotics.

  7. Udacity Udacity is an online platform offering courses on coding and robotics. They also offer courses on machine learning and artificial intelligence, making them a great resource for those looking to stay ahead of the game.

  8. Udemy Udemy offers a wide range of coding and robotics courses, from introductory courses to more advanced topics. They also provide a number of specialized courses for those looking to specialize in a particular area of coding or robotics.

  9. Codecademy Codecademy is best known for its coding courses, but they also offer classes on robotics. Their courses include both theory and hands-on projects, making them a great choice for those looking to gain practical experience.

  10. Robocamp Robocamp is an online platform offering both free and paid courses on coding and robotics. Their courses are designed for both beginners and experienced coders, making them a great option for those looking to improve their skills.

  11. Khan Academy Khan Academy is an online educational platform that teaches a variety of topics, including coding and robotics. Their courses are designed for self-paced study and are a great choice for those who want to learn at their own pace.

  12. Hackerschool Hackerschool is an online platform that offers courses for coders and robotics enthusiasts. Their courses are designed to teach the fundamentals of coding and robotics, and they also provide a forum where members can discuss topics and share ideas.


Coding and robotics are becoming increasingly important skills to have in the job market. Taking coding and robotics classes can give you the skills and knowledge needed to get ahead of the competition in the increasingly competitive technology industry. The classes listed here are all great options for anyone looking to learn coding and robotics, so whichever one you choose, you’ll be well-prepared for the future of work.

Tags : Coding Robotics Classes, Becoming Increasingly Important, Children Tech Center, Courses Coding Robotics, Robotics Classes Prep, Classes Prep Future, Coding Robotics Becoming, Robotics Becoming Increasingly, Increasingly Important Skills, Important Skills Job

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